Friday, September 7, 2012

My Fat Ass and What I am Doing About It!

I have noticed that lately that I have been expanding outwardly and occupying more space than I feel comfortable with... so being a lazy man and not particularly motivated (as is evident by the tenacity with which I maintain my blog) I decided that instead of using exercise to lose weight I would instead alter my intake.

About two months ago I discovered r/keto and after reading up on it decided that I would give it a shot... after all; it required minimal effort (eat more cheese and meat...uhhh ok) and if the results seen were anywhere near the results reported I would have lost some weight.

Well after just under two months I am about 15lbs lighter and have slimmed down to the last hole on my belt!

I have completely stopped eating bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and sugars, and I rarely if ever eat fruit (however I do eat a lot more vegetable s to make up for that.)  I have TONS of extra new energy, and don't find myself craving or being hungry anymore!

The most obvious downside about the ketogenic diet is that I won't shut up about it... be it either (rare) blog posts, pics up on my G+ page, twitter and reddit posts etc.  Also I have been using to track my eating, it is a great tool to use and there are a very active and supportive online community to help fat asses like myself take up a little less space in the world.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Well here we are again... its been over a year since the last time I posted an entry in this here blog... and I was going to make such a concerted effort to do better...

But alas, what can I do... I think to myself, yeah I'm really going to start putting some effort into this, but there always seems to be something more important to do or occupying of my attention that I get side tracked.

What's new?

New tattoos: Finished both my sleeves now.... New Pad: I live in a cabin out in the woods now...

I think its pretty funny that I have had this blog going for over two years and only made nine entries into it.

Hopefully I will be writing more...