Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I am shitty at this...

Boy, I am really bad at keeping a blog up to date it seems...

Its been many many months of no updates, posts, or other musings of mine.  There has been lots happening lately, not the least of which was the latest Canadian Federal Election, the first election of any kind in which I participated.

Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper had been ruling a minority government for approximately the last 4-5 years. The official opposition had decided that we (as a nation) have had enough of him, his lies, and his secrecy.

The polls from the beginning showed that he was likely to win again with another minority, however the hard work of the left wing New Democratic Party caused a surge in voters that was countered by a surge from the right wing as well coming out in support of Harper. 

The results?

A Conservative majority....

This was without doubt the worst possible outcome for this election.  The Liberal and Bloc Quebecois parties were decimated, and the NDP has established itself as the new official opposition party.

We can only hope now that Harper and his government will rule with a centrist approach, and not try to build more prisons, enact stiffer crime bills, and build more prisons. 

Only Time Will Tell...